Environment & Climate Sector

Implementing innovative and daring steps aimed at transitioning our operations to a low-carbon future.

The earth is being negatively impacted by rising level of greenhouse gas emmisions and energy consumption. This in turn is negatively  affecting human lives and property.

As a mining, transportation, haulage and logistics company we have the responsibility to implement innovative and daring steps aimed at transitioning our operations to a low-carbon future.

Based on our target and concern for the environment, we have two operating businesses focused on climate change solutions. These subsidiaries line of operations are focused on; supporting climate change initiatives, educating on climate change, providing support on climate investment projects and initiatives.

Aside ensuring all operations of IOP Group commit to industry – leading targets of emmission, we contribute the national afforestation / reforestation drive aimed to restore the lost forest cover of Ghana.

Green Climate Think Tank

Supporting climate change initiatives, educating on climate change, providing support on climate investment projects and initiatives

Climate Change Solutions Company Limited

Contributing to the national afforestation / reforestation drive aimed to restore the lost forest cover of Ghana